- How to Create a Ticket Log in to Admin+. Choose Tickets on the left navigation menu. Click New Ticket near the top right of the page. Provide a Subject and Description of the ticket. Note: A description is not required, but adding details may be helpful. Click Add Ticket. After submitting the basic ...
- Ticket Attachments Adding attachments is useful for providing more information about an issue. Attachments must be a JPG, PDF or PNG under 25MB in size. To add an attachment: Open the ticket that needs to be updated. Click on the paper clip icon to open a file browser. Locate a file (.jpg, .pdf, or .png) ...
- Ticket Properties Ticket Properties are explained below. Super Admins can customize and configure these properties under Settings. STATUS Status displays the ticket state. The default Status options are Open, Closed, and Pending. CATEGORY Category lets you classify tickets by type. PRIORITY ...
- Ticket Settings Super Admins can manage Agents and Teams and configure ticketing components in Ticket Settings. To access Ticket Settings: Log in to Admin+ as a Super Admin. Click Settings in the left navigation menu. Click on the desired attribute needing editing, located under Tickets. How to ...
- How to use Rules to Auto-Assign Tickets Tickets can be automatically assigned to an Agent or Team, or to specific members of a Team. Team assignments can also use the 'Round Robin' system to alternate between Team members. To get started: Log in to Admin+ as a Super Admin. Select Settings from the left navigation menu. Next, ...
- Tickets Overview You can manage and resolve tickets by using Super Admin and/or Agent roles. Super Admins can manage and edit all tickets. Agents can be assigned to a ticket to manage and edit assigned tickets. Ticket properties include: Status Category Priority Channel Building Location Assigned To ...
- Mention [Tag] Agents in Ticket Comments Ticket comments feature tagging, which can be useful to draw attention to a ticket. Using the '@' symbol in a ticket comment will bring up a list of agents to select. Once an agent is selected and the comment is saved, an email notification will be sent to the tagged agent(s). ...
- Ticket Analytics On the Ticket Dashboard, there is the Ticket Analytics, which includes three different charts. These charts show different key information about all of the existing tickets, including ones that have been deleted. Ticket Status: Shows breakdown of awaiting response, in progress, and closed. ...